Contemplating, inquiring, recognizing

Who or WHAT are we? Why are we here? Do we  fear? What are those fears based on? Our experience gives us the possibility to practice. We can get to know ourselves better.  In meditation we contemplate about our values, choices in life. We meet ourselves from a place of honesty, love and vulnerability.  Meditation is a tool to reveal what is true.  What is true? Whatever presents itself in this moment is true. We learn to meet life with curiosity and wisdom. The idea is to deconstruct beliefs and ideas about things. We ASK ourselves questions. We see how to meet things with a curious and fresh approach.

Seeing the passing of things

Practice as a path to opening ourselves to life itself

We practice to meet life as it is . We practice to see our fears, our emotions, our states of minds as they arrive. Instead of trying to repeat our past pleasant experiences, we open up to the mystery of the unknown.  Life is always fresh. Every moment is new.  When we sit together, we contemplate about what it is to be present and awake.

Be present here

What does it mean to be free?

Relatively speaking, freedom means that you decide and choose what you want and what you do not want. 

Ultimately speaking, freedom is your nature. Freedom is What you are. You were never born nor will never die. You are not a body-mind entity. You are that that contains everything at all times. Sat chit ananda: pure awareness, bliss.


Dana: Generosity

Generosity is an important spiritual principle. Our life has been given to us. We receive every single breath. Just like this. Everything is being sustained by everything else. The reason we practice generosity is because it helps us to expand our hearts. It helps us to give as an act of gratefulness.  It is the recognition of the love and effort that flows in the offering you become. 

In each of the classes you receive, time has been invested in its preparation. Many training courses and teachings, time and resources flow in each class you receive. 

Furthermore, your teacher support his/her teachers.  In way this fantastic teaching that provide clarity and support to our lives can stay alive. 


Be generous!  

Be generous

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